Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Speech Theories: Values of Free Expression

Arguably the most important Amendment to our Constitution os the first amendment, and specifically its  protection over freedom of speech. However, there are various reasons why freedom of speech is so important, the benefit it provides, and the environment that freedom of speech creates. These reasons are categorized in to eight "speech theories," which are values of free expression that help describe why freedom of speech is so vital to American's freedom. In my opinion, the most important of these speech theories is the Marketplace of Ideas.

The marketplace of ideas is based off a metaphor to a physical, commercial marketplace. As in a commercial marketplace where the best products and companies compete with one another for customers, in the marketplace of ideas, ideas compete with one another, with the best idea, (or the truth) winning. In other words, the marketplace of ideas uses competition between ideas to discover the truth. 

The existence of a marketplace of ideas is incredibly important in a free society because it allows people to share ideas which then leads to it better solutions to problems getting discovered. it is also vital to the existence of a democracy, where everyone is able to have their voice heard. According to this source, each individual in the society gets to evaluate the ideas to a problem put forward, and decide which solution they think is best. This means that in order for the marketplace of ideas to function properly, many different ideas need to be presented. As a result there must not be any censorship allowed, and protecting freedom of speech is incredibly important.

This idea of allowing a marketplace of ideas relates heavily to current events because of the amount of censorship that is happening today. Specifically, in the discussion surrounding our government's response to the covid pandemic and their support of covid-19 vaccines, the idea of a marketplace of ideas has largely been shut down. 

For instance, in 2021, Twitter censored Harvard Professor Martin Kulldorff, who was one of the most cited infectious disease expert in the world, according to this article. Twitters censorship was a response to Kulldorff posting that he does not believe everyone should be vaccinated. Regardless of anyones individual opinion about the covid-19 vaccine, it is important to remember that at the very least, Kulldorff is a well-known and highly respected epidemiologists, who even serves on the covid-19 vaccine safety technical subgroup that the CDC, NIH, and FDA rely on for expertise.  

Another current times example of a doctor being censored is Dr. Ryan Cole, who is a pathologist. In 2021 had stated that he thought the United States government took the acted inappropriately during the height of the covid pandemic. Dr. Cole also voiced concerns and suggestions about other, possibly better ways to treat patients with covid, and questioned the use of masks as an effective tool against the virus. As a result of his questions, he was issued a statement of charges from the Washington Medical Commission.  

These are both examples of the marketplace of ideas not being allows to take place. Regardless of your or my opinions on these matters, professions in the field should be able to voice their opinions. If these doctors would have been allows to voice their opinions, perhaps a better solution to treating or preventing the covid-19 virus. Of course I can't say this for certain, but the point of the marketplace of ideas is to let the truth win out, and you cannot know what the truth (or the best idea) is if any opinion that breaks from the norm is censored. 

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