Thursday, January 12, 2023

My Five Top Sources of News and Information

Generally, I am not someone who consumes a lot of news through news channels on mainstream media. It is only when I hear about something in the news that catches my interest will I go and google more details. Instead, I have realized that the majority of the news I get either come from family, social media, or updates from specific organizations and people that I follow online. 

 Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid

One of the sources I get my news from is Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid. This is news delivered in the form of a blog written by a lawyer. Through an email subscription, Mr. Childers sends out daily content about current news, often things relating to the covid pandemic or other related events. He self-describes his content as giving a "Daily News Summary with Sarcastically Optimistic Content." See how to subscribe to his content here. The reason I subscribe to his blog (and why I think others should too) is because he updates his followers about information not commonly talked about in mainstream media. As a result, through his content I am able to gain a more complete picture of news events because I get informed of details that mainstream media often does not discuss.  

The HighWire with Del Bigtree

Another main source I go to for news is The HighWire, which is a news source funded by Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). You can view their news page here. Every Thursday Del Bigtree, the host of The HighWire, releases a new episode talking about current events and issues going on in the world. His content is often centered around the covid pandemic, government policies, or other noteworthy events happening in the world, and related issues or debates surrounding these topics. I would suggest his show to others because he gives a lot of great information that is often censored by typical mainstream media sources. I would also recommend this as a news source because the show makes a point to stay as factually based as possible. Del Bigtree will commonly use scientific studies to back up his points, and on his show he will often interview doctors or lawyers to hear their professional opinions on various matters. 


Family is one of the biggest ways I receive news updates and information. Usually, family is one of the ways that I first hear about a current event. Although I do not come from a family who constantly has the news channel up on the TV, we do stay updated though sources like social media or online articles. I like having family as a news source because I find that it is the best way to get passive information. In other words, I don't have to go online or watch anything. Instead, I am informed of events through conversation. I also enjoy this way of getting information  because the news naturally gets filtered so that it becomes less overwhelming. The other reason I like receiving updates from family us because they know my likes and interests. This means they can individualize the news and update me on world events they know I care about. 


Social Media - TikTok 

My fourth source of information is social media. I get a lot of news updates from viewing what others post online. Specifically, TikTok is one of the main social media platforms that I view content on. The app has a wide variety of creators, many of who will post videos about current stories and events. News also spreads fast on TikTok, which is another benefit of its use, as I can easily stay updated. The unique thing about social media, (and the reason I would recommend it to others) is that it allows me to personally see what the general public thinks about one event or another. Although social media is not always reliable, as it is easy to spread rumors, the benefit is that I get to stay quickly updated and understand people's feelings on different current events. 

Mainstream Media 

The last news source is videos or articles put out by mainstream media sources. Usually, when I hear about a topic or news story that catches my eye, I will go and google details about the event. In general, I try to either use news sources that are more "middle-ground," or I will look at news reports from both Democratic and Republican sources. Much of media in todays world is biased, and it can be hard to find the exact story of what really happened. I find that going to as many sources as possible, and looking at those with different political leaning gives me a more accurate story. Two examples of sources I commonly view are The Washington Post or the New York Times.


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